Disclosure: Product links shared in this post are affiliate links, which means you get an exclusive discount or pay the normal price depending on the site, and I receive a commission for recommending things I believe in! Win-win💖

Cloth diapering doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t have to use cloth diapers 100% of the time in order to reap the benefits. Many families choose to use a combination of cloth and disposable diapers, which is often referred to as “hybrid” or “part-time” cloth diapering.

Using hybrid or part-time cloth diapering can be a great way to experience the benefits of cloth while still having the convenience and ease of disposables. It also allows for flexibility in situations where cloth diapering may not be practical, such as while traveling or during daycare.

Some parents may choose to use cloth diapers exclusively at home, but switch to disposables when leaving the house. This can help minimize the amount of waste produced while still providing the convenience of disposable diapers when out and about.

Another option is to use cloth diapers during the day and disposable diapers at night. This can be a good compromise for families who want to reduce their environmental impact, but may not have the time or resources to fully commit to cloth diapering around the clock.

Using a combination of cloth and disposable diapers can also help with budgeting. Cloth diapers require an upfront investment, but save money in the long run. By using disposables only when necessary, families can stretch out their cloth diaper supply and spend less on disposables.

It’s important to find a system that works best for your family and lifestyle. Some families may choose to start with part-time cloth diapering and gradually transition to full-time as they become more comfortable with it. Others may find that a mix of cloth and disposable diapers is the perfect balance for them.

Whatever approach you choose, incorporating cloth diapering into your routine can have numerous benefits. Not only does it reduce waste and save money, but it can also be gentler on your baby’s delicate skin. If you’d like to learn more about cloth diapering, I have a training in the “Guides” section of my Facebook group which you can access here.

You can get 15% off my favorite cloth diapering system with this link, and if you’re seeing this during their Earth Day sale, you can get up to 30% off!

If you’re looking for disposables, this is my recommendation for a cleaner option for your baby.

Along with the free cloth diaper training, my Facebook group is filled with practical tips on how to take care of yourself in this busy life as a new mom! You can join here. See you there!

xo, Mary