How Do You Fix Low Milk Supply?

A healthy breastmilk supply gives your baby the nutrition he needs while nurturing a strong bond and providing comfort, security, and protection against illnesses. Breastmilk is tailor-made for your baby, containing the right balance of nutrients required for their growth and development. Knowing this can help motivate you to take the right steps to ensure your breastfeeding success.

How Long Can Fresh, Pumped Breast Milk Last?

From the moment that liquid gold leaves your body, a countdown begins. At room temperature (~25°C /77°F or colder), freshly expressed breast milk can maintain its nutritional integrity for about four hours. It’s important to store it in clean, food-grade containers with airtight seals. Exposure to air can introduce bacteria, which is why room temperature storage isn’t for the long haul.

What Are the Benefits of Babywearing?

There is something special about having Baby nestled up nice and close – heart to heart. This was the answer to an inconsolable crying baby during my first week of motherhood, and babywearing continues to be a secret weapon of mine into toddlerhood with my little.