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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and therefore cannot prescribe, treat, or diagnose. I’m a mom and health coach sharing my knowledge and experiences for educational purposes. This does not take the place of any professional medical advice.

Simply put, a well hydrated body allows the body systems to function how they were designed to – which includes the production of breast milk.

In general, the best way to determine how much water you’ll drink on a daily basis is by dividing your body weight (in pounds) in half. This is how many ounces you’ll target drinking in a single day. So if you weigh 200 pounds, your target is 100 oz of water daily. This is the guideline for anyone, nursing or not, so I’d recommend drinking even more since your body is extracting that much more liquid while nursing.

The easiest way to gauge your body’s hydration levels is the color of your urine. A white-to-light-yellow color indicates proper hydration while the darker the yellow, the more dehydrated you are.

Experts suggest drinking a glass of water each time you nurse or pump to help you stay hydrated. Personally, I found it became second nature to me – every time I began nursing or pumping, I’d immediately get SO thirsty.

I always have a huge tumbler of water nearby to make sure I stay hydrated, and I recommend you do the same! You may also consider infusing your water with fresh fruits like lemon, lime, berries, or cucumber for added flavor if you have a hard time getting in enough water. You could also set reminders on your phone to get in the habit of sipping regularly.

Many nursing mothers, myself included, have observed a significant decrease in milk supply when they consume less water. On the other side of things, I found that adding electrolytes to my water boosted my milk production even more than increasing water intake alone. And it tastes delicious. Win-win!

Remember, every drop of water counts in nurturing your milk supply AND your overall health and wellbeing. You’re doing an incredible job, and keeping hydrated is one more way you show love to your body and your baby on this beautiful journey.

Cheers to a well-hydrated you! I hope to see you in my Facebook group where you’ll find New Mom wellness tips and more.

xo, Mary