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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and therefore cannot prescribe, treat, or diagnose. I’m a mom and health coach sharing my knowledge and experiences for educational purposes. This does not take the place of any professional medical advice.

Childbirth is often followed by a period of intense physical and emotional adjustments for the new mother. Postpartum recovery is a crucial part of this transition, and looking into holistic ways to make this phase easier is really important. Among the different paths to recovery, yoga is a wonderful choice. It’s a gentle and strong at the same time, and can help a woman navigate the various challenges of early motherhood.

Whether you’re struggling with physical recuperation, navigating the whirlwind of postpartum emotions, or simply aiming to rediscover a sense of balance, yoga can help.

The postpartum period, often referred to as the “fourth trimester,” is a critical window for a new mother to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. This phase is characterized by dramatic hormonal shifts, physical recovery, and the initiation of the complex process of motherhood.

This is also a time when self-care can become overlooked as the mother’s attention primarily goes to nurturing her newborn. (I made a full-on course guiding moms out of this hole of self-care neglect. Check it out here.)

Following childbirth, the body requires careful, progressive movement to rebuild strength and support. Yoga postures gently engage the muscles, realign the spine, and provide relief from discomfort.

Yoga can help strengthen core muscles, restore pelvic floor muscles, and offer relief from common postpartum issues such as back pain, neck stiffness, and even insomnia by calming the nervous system.

Yoga can also become a mental refuge by reducing stress and anxiety levels through breathwork, positive affirmations, and body awareness.

This can also be an opportunity to bond with your baby through Mommy and Baby yoga.

You could also set Baby next to you in an oversized playpen while you do a 15 minute video. And your calmness will rub off on your baby.

If you’re still at a point where things are very sensitive down under, you have the choice to sit on a nursing pillow so there is no pressure directly under your pelvis while the surrounding areas are supported. Having a supportive, comfortable yoga bolster can also be helpful, and a good quality yoga mat has always made a big difference to me. This one is my favorite one, and it comes in an extended length if you have longer arms and legs like me!

Even just five minutes of yoga will make a huge difference in how you feel – and you will be SO glad you did it.

Now, take a deep breath, and start your postpartum yoga journey. Your body and your baby will thank you.

xo, Mary

P.S. I’ve compiled a list of all my favorite yoga videos in my Facebook group. You can join for access here. I’d love to see you there!