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There is no love quite like the love a mother feels for her newborn. It is also a love that, initially, requires sacrifice—like the sleep you used to take for granted. Sleep deprivation can be quite a tough challenge that new moms have to power through.

In the initial stages with a newborn, the concept of ‘daytime’ and ‘nighttime’ blurred together. There were merely waking hours and sleeping hours, including full on meals at 3 am and being fast asleep in the middle of the afternoon. Rest whenever you can! It pays off for everyone in the long term.

Sleep is your sanctuary, your reset button, the source of your mental well-being and the cornerstone of your physical health.

Here are the stepping stones to ensure healthier sleep habits in the chaotic times ahead.

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, because it works. Sleep when baby sleeps! This doesn’t have to be every time. Trust me, I get wanting to have a few moments to either scroll Instagram or watch your current Netflix binge; however, prioritizing sleep and napping in sync with your baby is crucial.

I found co-sleeping and sideline nursing (remember, safety first, mommas!) allowed my baby to slip easily back to sleep after nursing without fully waking up. It made a world of difference to my quality of sleep. Having a cosleep pillow for Baby gave me some peace of mind as well. It’s not for everyone, but exploring what sleep solutions work for you is an invaluable investment.

If you get desperate, call in reinforcements. Ask a trusted family member, friend, or even postpartum doula to watch your little one while you reclaim a few hours if this is something you feel comfortable doing.

There’s always housework to do, but prioritizing your sleep is crucial. Sometimes, Mom needs a nap more than she needs a clean load of laundry, and that’s perfectly okay.

Create a darker environment for sleep — not just for your baby, but for you. Light can be a powerful cue to the body. Anything other than red light will have the brain thinking it’s time to be awake.

Sometimes, a gentle murmur of the rain or the patter of a fan can turn a disruptive noise into a soothing shuffle. Experimenting with white noise to blanket outside sounds may help Baby sleep better and longer — which means more sleep for Mom.

Your baby will grow, and the nights will change. You WILL get more sleep again. This part is hard. All you can do is your best, and you WILL power through. Remember that those extra dishes in the sink aren’t the benchmarks of good parenting. You are. And for you to be the best you, sleep is the groundwork.

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xo, Mary