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Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and therefore cannot prescribe, treat, or diagnose. I’m a mom and health coach sharing my knowledge and experiences for educational purposes. This does not take the place of any professional medical advice.

A healthy breastmilk supply gives your baby the nutrition he needs while nurturing a strong bond and providing comfort, security, and protection against illnesses. Breastmilk is tailor-made for your baby, containing the right balance of nutrients required for their growth and development. Knowing this can help motivate you to take the right steps to ensure your breastfeeding success.

Here are several tried-and-true methods to naturally boost your breastmilk supply:

Frequent and Effective Nursing

The more you nurse, the more signals you send to your body to produce milk. Ensure that your baby has a good latch and is nursing effectively to maximize this stimulation. Experiment with different holds to find the most comfortable and effective one for you and your baby. Also make sure you’re not going more than 4-6 hours without either nursing or pumping.

Pumping Between Feedings

Using a breast pump between feedings can mimic cluster feeding, which signals your body to increase milk production. It also ensures your breasts are emptied, boosting milk supply. The “power pumping” technique involves pumping for 15 minutes, taking a 5-10 minute break, pumping again for 10 minutes, resting, and then pumping for a final 5 minutes. A wearable pump offers convenience and can encourage more frequent pumping, even if it’s not as efficient as a traditional pump.

Staying Hydrated and Well-Nourished

Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces a day (i.e. 100 oz per day if you are 200 pounds) and eat a well-balanced diet. You can read more on this specific topic here. Staying hydrated matters, and electrolytes help even more.

Rest and Relaxation

Stress can hinder your milk production, so it’s important to prioritize rest and relaxation. Get as much sleep as you can and engage in stress-reducing activities like deep breathing or gentle yoga. I have a whole list of stress relief techniques here.

Skin to Skin Contact With Baby

Laying baby on your chest, skin to skin, stimulates the production of oxytocin which is a key hormone for milk production. It also helps your baby feel more comfortable and secure, which can lead to longer and more effective feedings.


Fenugreek’s effects on breastmilk supply can vary, with some women experiencing reduced supply, yet it significantly boosted mine. My baby’s pediatrician confidently recommended it. For those avoiding fenugreek, Legendairy’s Pump Princess is a fantastic alternative that I also found effective.

If you’ve tried the tips above and are still concerned about your milk supply, it may be time to seek help from a lactation consultant, doula, or midwife.

Stay patient and be kind to yourself throughout this process. Your dedication and effort to provide the best nourishment for your baby is what truly counts.

xo, Mary

P.S. Don’t forget to grab my Essential Stress Relief Checklist for New Moms here!