Welcoming a new life into this world is an indescribable joy, one that fills you from the very core with a love that knows no bounds. Alongside this immense happiness, new mothers often find themselves on a path where personal time and identity take a back seat to feedings, changings, and countless nights of interrupted sleep. How does a new mom keep her sense of self in the middle of this cycle?

The term “self-care” has become a buzzword, and for good reason. For new moms, this is not about elaborate spa days (though those can be a wonderful luxury if time allows). It’s about those small, consistent acts that you do for yourself daily to preserve your mental and emotional well-being.

Think of it as a series of micro-investments in your happiness. It can be as simple as enjoying a silent cup of coffee in the morning or a quiet yoga session before bed. These moments, although brief, can recharge your batteries and keep you connected to the person you were before motherhood. (For more ideas, you can download my free Stress Relief Checklist here. We go deeper into this in my online course, Thriving Momma Blueprint.)

Therapy, even for those who don’t feel like they’re struggling with postpartum depression, can be a game-changer. Speaking to a professional can provide tools to manage anxiety, set boundaries, and foster healthy coping mechanisms. Remember, seeking help when you need it is one of the bravest acts of self-care.

Your old hobbies might feel like distant memories from another era, but they don’t have to stay that way. Rediscover the joy and passion they once sparked in you or pursue new hobbies to maintain your sense of self. And incorporate your baby into your hobbies! Sing or listen to music while you both play, or sketch their portrait during nap time. Finding ways to blend your passions with taking care of your baby can be very rewarding.

Motherhood doesn’t mean the end of your previous life — it’s the beginning of a new one. It’s natural to grieve the loss of parts of your old life, and it’s equally important to recognize the incredible person you’re becoming and all you have to look forward to.

Just as your child grows, so do you. Each phase of life offers new opportunities for learning and self-discovery. By adopting a growth mindset, you’ll find excitement in evolving as a person and a mother.

You may enjoy taking time to journal or simply reflect on how your new role as a mother is shaping you. There will be times you question your abilities, and there will be times you’ll surprise yourself with strength you never knew you had.

Remember, the mother who takes time for herself is the best version of herself for her child. If you’re ready to go deeper and become your best self, you can grab my online course here.

xo, Mary