Hey, Momma. It’s time to

Get Out of Survival Mode

Start taking care of yourself again while keeping your sweet babe first.

Meet the radiant Mary Benoit, a free-spirited soul on a mission to empower busy new moms and help them break free from the never-ending cycle of survival mode without ever compromising baby’s needs.

As a compassionate and trustworthy teacher, Mary understands the overwhelming demands that come with being a busy mom, and she is determined to guide others towards a healthier and happier way of living with her easy systems. Her mantra “healthier moms make happier moms” speaks volumes about her dedication to supporting mothers in their journey of self-discovery and well-being.

Free Resources

Motherhood is beautiful. A healthy mom is a happy mom. And a happy mom provides the best childhood. Start making changes today with no investment.

Online Course

Mary’s signature course provides tailored techniques that allow you to cherish your baby while nurturing yourself. She starts with going deep on why your health matters, then takes you through mind, body, and soul.



Join the Community

Connect with Mary and other like-minded mommas online in the exclusive “Self Love and Baby Snuggles Club” Facebook group for daily inspiration, free trainings, and more.

What Are Padsicles Used For?

Benefits of Padsicles
Physical Relief: The coolness of padsicles helps soothe stitches, reduce swelling, and alleviate pain around the perineal area.
Emotional Support: Beyond physical relief, the act of self-care that comes with using padsicles can significantly boost your emotional well-being during the postpartum period.

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What No One Tells You Postpartum

I’m here to inform you, not scare you. You’ve got this! Knowing this information will help you prepare. After giving birth, simple tasks like sitting, standing, walking, adjusting in bed, using the toilet, and standing or sitting for extended periods can become challenging. This is because the pelvic floor muscles have been stretched, strained, and sometimes even torn during labor.

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What is the Hypnobirthing Method?

There are many misconceptions surrounding childbirth, and unfortunately, many women enter into it with fear and anxiety. Hypnobirthing offers a different approach – one of calmness and confidence. By learning how to relax the mind and body, women can tap into their innate ability to give birth without unnecessary tension and fear.

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