The image of motherhood tends to depict a selfless and tireless woman, always putting the needs of her child above her own.

What about her needs? After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

The truth is, taking care of the whole family starts with caring for the caregiver. Your physical and mental health as a mother are directly linked to how you show up in your world. This is the overarching topic of my signature course: Thriving Momma Blueprint.

A happy, healthy mother is the core of a happy, healthy family.

Prioritizing “me time” isn’t a luxury – it’s essential to sustaining the energy and love that goes into creating the best childhood for your little one.

Physical fitness will always be important. The importance of a healthy mind is often overlooked.

Your new role demands more than most jobs, and you can’t clock out mentally or log off emotionally.

This relentless schedule makes it critical for new moms to protect their physical and mental well-being. From nutritious eating to rejuvenating sleep or breaking a sweat, these basic self-care practices are not negotiable.

The newborn’s schedule often overrules the mom’s, leaving little room for anything else. It’s about finding and intentionally using those pockets of time that come up daily.

Baby’s finally asleep? Read the book you’ve had your eye on or watch that movie you’ve been wanting to see!

Driving in the car? Listen to an inspirational audiobook or savor the time you have not being clawed at by tiny baby hands.

Baby’s content in the playpen? Roll out your yoga mat and get in as much stretching and deep breathing you can – even if it only lasts 5 minutes!

Identify what re-energizes you, and use those pockets of time to the absolute fullest.

This can lead to significant improvements in the mental and physical states of mothers.

If you’re looking for fresh ideas, I have a Busy New Mom’s Stress Relief Techniques Checklist you can download completely for free.

I’ve also found if I’m craving peace and quiet, all I need to do is strap Baby in the stroller and walk around the block. This also works for when you want to drink your coffee without tiny hands intercepting your mug’s trip to your mouth.

Motherhood comes with a universal thread of sacrifice and love. Remember the best version of a mother is not one that gives until she’s depleted, it’s the one that cares for herself so she can continuously care for others.

It’s in these peaceful moments of “me time” that new moms build their resilience. It’s also about nurturing a generation that’s raised by healthy role models — parents who not only say, “You matter,” but also show, “I matter, too.”

And remember this is a season. The older your child gets, the more time you’ll get back to yourself.

xo, Mary

P.S. I share tips and insights on getting out of survival mode and taking care of yourself again all while keeping Baby first in my Facebook group. I’d love to have you join the community. You can do that here.